Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Which is worse? Gossip or taliban?

Which of these folks are worse? Gossips who spread rumors defaming co-workers or neighbours or taliban like people who fiercely defend and beat women with sticks to supposedly keep the good name, even if the women do nothing really wrong? Is there any land left in between the two where normal folks can try to live and work peacefully without getting entangled in either of these evil sects? There are other tangles like forcing someone to be secular, forcing misuse of the environment for huge monetary gains - also falls in the taliban terrorizing range - that is they will terrorize to keep things going their way..If there is firmer common high ground that is devoid of these kind of evils - gossips and taliban and secular pushers and greedy enemies of the environment - where is it and how to identify it and get among these folks?

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