Tuesday, August 2, 2011

What wrestler do you believe WWE misued the worst?

WWWF/WWF/WWE has used talent the right way countless times with creative gimmicks or just usage of talent turning talented men into legends. However, WWE has missed the mark on several wrestlers and misused them badly. Recent examples including Chavo Guerrero along with a lot of the 2005 throughout today's cruiserweight division and just a general misuse of the cruiserweight division by Mcmahon in general. Technical wrestlers like Malenko and for a long time William Regal were misused in my opinion. Raven had a great thing going in ECW as a top heel, and could have done more in wwf had he been utilized better, and DDP had main evented in WCW but was just another misued talent from WCW. I believe that after his main event push, scott Steiner should've been in or high profiled feuds showcasing his good promo skills or been a good tag team wrestler as he was with his brother Rick, but instead he was stuck in a rediculous lower card feud with Test over Stacey Keibler. Finally, benjamin while used properly early on in about 2006 through was misused and Paul London, who could've been much bigger I believe was misused. . Who do you believe is the primary example of a misues of talent by WWE? Sounds silly, but when Mr Perfect came back from his back injury, I felt he was extremely misused and when the little man with actual wrestling skill as top guy in the company over the guy with little skill and great physique transition was taking place, Henning could've rose up with Hart to world title ranks, as the 2 had aamazing chemistry in the ring, and Henning had the world champion charisma and was a tremendous worker, thus he should've been world champ in 92 or 93 or even a main eventer still in 02, but Henning I think was criminaly misued. Vader, while huge in Japan, big in WCW and even had and a brief main eventer in WWF, I think Vader had much more potential then he was allowed to show in WWF and could've and should've been much bigger in my opinion. Who is your primary example of WWE misued talent and why?

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